Factors Leading to Successful Individual Furtherance under the JeKi Programme – An Emperical Research in Essen’s Primary Schools One of the pivotal intentions of the JeKi-programme (”Jedem Kind ein Instrument” / “An Instrument for Every Child”) is to support underprivileged pupils and especially those with an immigrant background. The interdisciplinary joint research project – conducted by the universities of Cologne and Bielefeld – takes up this concern by focusing on concepts of individual furtherance aimed at embedding and developing JeKI in schools. The first subproject (Münster, Prof. Dr. Bonsen) investigates conditions, processes and effects of individual furtherance in 20 JeKi primary schools by combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. The 20 schools have been chosen based on the social mix of their students (i.e. low SES-schools). The question at focus is how these schools manage to integrate JeKI into the school curriculum with regard to differenciated instrucion and pupils’ individual needs.
Bonsen, Martin | Professur für Empirische Schulforschung/Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung (Prof. Bonsen) |
Bonsen, Martin | Professur für Empirische Schulforschung/Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung (Prof. Bonsen) |
Cloppenburg, Monika | Department I: School Education and General Teaching |