Prof.`Dr. Karolina Urton

Current affiliations

  • Professorship of Educational Science with Specialisation in School Pedagogy: Inclusive Education (Prof. Urton)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Inclusive school climate
  • School and classroom development in an inclusive context
  • Multi-professional cooperation
  • Professionalization of student teachers, teachers and school principals in an inclusive context
  • Psychische Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen

Academic Education

since 2016PhD, Faculty of Human Sciences, Inclusion Education, University of Potsdam
since 2007Diploma Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin

Work Experience

since 2021Deputy Professor Educational Science -School Pedagogy: Inclusive Education, University of Muenster
2020 - 2021Deputy Professor Educational Science -School Pedagogy: Inclusive Education, University of Muenster
2017 - 2021Studienrätin im Hochschuldienst at the chair Concept and Evaluation of School Support with Focus on Learning, University of Cologne
2018 - 2019Deputy Professor for Methodology and Didactics with the special focus on learning as well as emotional and social development, University Wuppertal
2014 - 2019Project management and coordinator in the project “Schools on the Way to Inclusion - Mettmann 2. 0" - Researching and supporting inclusive school climate", University of Cologne
2018Deputy Professor for Special Educational Support and Inclusion with a focus on school development and teaching research, Institute of Educational Sciences, University of Paderborn
2009 - 2017School Psychologist, Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf, district of Mettmann
2010 - 2014Project collaboration “Schools on the Way to Inclusion - Mettmann 1. 0”, University of Cologne
2008 - 2009Scientific assistant, Cluster of Excellence "Languages of Emotion", Freie Universität Berlin
2007 - 2008Scientific assistant DLR/BMBF project “Contributions of Visuo Spatial Deficits to Mathematical Disabilities in Children: Bridging the Gap from Neurocognitive Systems to Mathematical Achievement”, Freie Universität Berlin

Functions and Memberships

since 2021Scientific Advisory Board, Empirische Sonderpädagogik
since 2020Consulting Editor Board Member Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal
since 2017Member, Learning Disabilites Worldwide (LDW)
since 2016Member, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
since 2013Member, Research Group, Empirical Special Education Research (AESF)
since 2012Member, Research Group, Center for Empirical Inclusion Research (ZEIF)
2020 - 2021Board Member, Interdisciplinary Center for Empirical Research on Teachers and Instruction (IZeF), University of Cologne
2016 - 2018Expert board member for the topic of inclusion, Landesverband für Schulpsychologie NRW
2013 - 2016Student Editorial Board Member, Editorial board, Assessment for Effective Intervention


Klemp, G.; Urton, K.; Krull, J.; Bosch, J.; Wilbert, J. (2025)
In: International Journal of Educational Research Open, 8
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Sturm, T. & Urton, K. (2025)
In: Syring, M.; Bohl, T.; Gröschner, A. & Scheunpflug, A. (eds.), Studienbuch Bildungswissenschaften Unterricht und Schule gestalten. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
Type of Publication: Review article (book contribution)
Urton, K. & Krull, J. (eds.) (2024)
In: Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 2023(15)
Type of Publication: Special issue of a journal
Urton, K.; Moeyaert, M.; Nobel, K.; Barwasser, A.; Boon, R., T. & Grünke, M. (2024)
In: Exceptionality, 00
Type of Publication: Review article (journal)
Hertel, S.; Quante, C.; Urton, K. & Hennemann, T. (2024)
In: bildungSPEZIAL, 1/2024
Type of Publication: Non-scientific contribution (journal)
Show all publications


Duration: 01/04/2023 - 31/12/2027
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Type of project: Participation in BMBF-joint project
Duration: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
Funded by: Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre - Förderprogramm Freiraum
Type of project: Individual project
Duration: since 01/01/2021
Funded by: Kreis Mettmann
Type of project: Project carried out outside the University of Münster
Duration: since 01/08/2020
Funded by: Stiftung Wohlfahrtspflege NRW
Type of project: Project carried out outside the University of Münster