Profile picture of Dipl.-Psych. Natalija Keck

Dipl.-Psych. Natalija Keck, MSc.

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Leadership
  • Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
  • interpersonal & intercultural communication
  • Social Cognition
  • Research Methods

Academic Education

10/2011 - 09/2015PhD studies in Management, Kühne Logistics University Hamburg
10/2004 - 09/2011studies of Psychology, Bielefeld University
09/2008 - 09/2009MSc in Research Methods in Psychology, University of Kent Canterbury (UK)

Work Experience

09/2010 - 08/2011Research Associate to Prof. Dr. Gerald Echterhoff, University of Muenster (WWU Münster)
09/2009 - 09/2010Research Associate to Prof. Dr. Gerald Echterhoff, Jacobs Uiversity Bremen

Functions and Memberships

since 10/2011active member of the RespectResearchGroup
09/2009 - 09/2010Junior Fellow at VisComX, Jacobs University Bremen
07/2010Organisation of the doctorate student workshop SoDoc2010, Jacobs University Bremen


Duration: 01/07/2004 - 15/03/2011
Funded by: DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Type of project: Individual project