Littérature pour la jeunesse, Transmission et Éducation morale. Du récit de la Shoah à l’éducation littéraire

Basic data of the habilitation procedure

Habilitation procedure finished at: Habilitation procedure at another university (NOT University of Münster)
Period of time14/07/2023 - 25/11/2023
Venia Legendi für das FachHabilitation to direct research in education sciences
Name of the candidate for habilitationBéatrice Finet
List of all reviewing / mentoring personsGutierrez, Laurent; Harlé, Isabelle; Kahn, Pierre; Lemonnier Delpy, Marie-Françoise; Maillard, Alain; Riondet, Xavier; Roggenkamp, Antje;
Description<p>In Béatrice Finet's work, we first encounter a common thread that she herself identifies: "the role of children's literature in transmission" (I 191). There is also a whole network of activities that flow organically from this idea, which underpins her publications: the paradox of the transmission of the Shoah (I 47, 51, 59, 81), transmission of testimony (I 48), of memory (I, 59, II 5, 9), of experience (II 7), of generations (II 7), of history (I 59, II 9), of trauma (II 9) transmission of knowledge and transmission of values (II, 14), the transmission of literature that goes beyond the simple question of education (II, 187), the transmission of literature to educate the reader, the subject and the citizen of twenty-first century society is neither backward-looking nor elitist (II 189).<br></p><p>Transmission is a concept that operates in several directions, levels and dimensions. - The framework of its various fields of research is also vast - literature, history, pedagogy, sociology, philosophy and secularism, which plays no small part.<br>B.F. begins his summary notes by referring to Pierre Nora's ego-history, which he defines as the need to inscribe one's own existence in a reflexive continuity. At the start of his professional career, he discovered an abundance of works devoted to the Shoah. To explain this phenomenon, B.F. put forward a thesis that needs to be highlighted: the Shoah recounted in children's books meets a societal demand that arose at a time when the last witnesses had disappeared. Societal demand has two dimensions, one of which is memorial and the other educational (I, 68).</p><br><p><br></p><p><br></p>