Process-Oriented Dynamic Capabilities - Framework Development, Empirical Applications, and Methodological Support

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of time01/05/2009 - 24/04/2013
CandidatePlattfaut, Ralf
Doctoral subjectWirtschaftsinformatik
Doctoral degreeDr. rer. pol.
Awarded byDepartment 04 - Münster School of Business and Economics
SupervisorsBecker, Jörg; Mendling, Jan

Promovend*in an der Universität Münster

Plattfaut, Ralf
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management (IS)

Supervision at the University of Münster

Becker, Jörg
Chair of Information Systems and Information Management (IS)

Projects in which the doctoral examination procedure takes/took place

Duration: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2013
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Type of project: Participation in BMBF-joint project

Publications resulting from doctoral examination procedure

Becker Jörg, Malsbender Andrea, Ortbach Kevin, Plattfaut Ralf, Voigt Matthias, Höhenberger Steffen, Niehaves Björn (2013)
In: Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation, 82(2)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Niehaves Björn, Plattfaut Ralf, Becker Jörg (2013)
In: Government Information Quarterly, 30(3)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Plattfaut Ralf, Niehaves Björn, Becker Jörg (2012)
In: (eds.), . (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Plattfaut Ralf (2012)
In: Verwaltung and Management, 18(4)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Ortbach K, Plattfaut R, Pöppelbuß J, Niehaves B (2012)
In: (eds.), . (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)