Academic Education | |
02/1990 | Habilitation and venia legendi in Business Administration at Saarland University |
02/1987 | Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. oec.) at Saarland University |
03/1982 | University degree in Business Administration (Diplom) at Saarland University |
09/1977 - 03/1982 | Studies of management at the Saarland University |
08/1980 - 06/1981 | Studies in Business Administration and Economics at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA |
Work Experience | |
since 01/2016 | Spokesman Center of Europe at University of Münster |
since 10/2004 | Academic Director of the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) |
since 2002 | Visiting Professor at University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA, University of Tartu, Estonia, Vienna Business School, Austria, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, Business School Turku, Finland, Voronezh State University, Russland, Stanford University, USA |
since 04/1990 | Full Professor for Information Systems and Information Management at University of Münster |
10/1994 - 12/2024 | Managing Director of the Department of Information Systems at University of Münster |
10/2008 - 09/2016 | Vice-Rector for strategic planning and quality assurance of University of Münster |
01/1987 - 03/1990 | Head of the CIM-Technologie-Transfer Center at Saarland University |
04/1982 - 03/1990 | Research Assistant at the Institute for Information Systems (IWi) at Saarland University (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. August-Wilhelm Scheer) |
01/1987 - 12/1987 | Consultant at IDS Gesellschaft für Integrierte Datenverarbeitungssysteme GmbH |
Functions and Memberships | |
since 2015 | Member of the Platform "Digital Administration and Public IT" of the national German Digital Summit |
since 2013 | Appointment as Fellow of the Society for Computer Sciences (GI) |
since 2012 | Member of the National E-Government Competence Center (NEGZ) e.V., since 2017 Member of the Board and Speaker of the Commission for Research and Projects |
since 01/2009 | Department Editor of the Journal "Business and Information Systems Engineering" for the department process management |
since 10/2008 | Member of the IV Steering Committee of WWU Münster University |
since 01/2007 | Mitglied der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften |
since 01/2003 | Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISeB)" |
since 1992 | Editor of the Journal "Information & Management" |
since 1992 | Member of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) |
since 1990 | Member of the German Society for Informatics (GI) |
since 1987 | Member of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) |
2014 - 2017 | Member of the Board "Digitale Wirtschaft NRW" |
2001 - 2012 | Editor of the Business Process Management Journal |
12/2006 - 12/2012 | Scientific Member of the Commission on IT Infrastructure of the German Research Foundation (DFG) |
01/1997 - 12/2008 | Editor of the Journal "Wirtschaftsinformatik" |
04/2001 - 12/2003 | Spokesman of the Special Interest Group "Business Informatics" within the German Society for Informatics (GI), Member of the steering committee of the GI |
04/1999 - 03/2001 | Spokesman of the Scientific Community Information Systems (WKWI) of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) |
10/1994 - 10/1995 | Dekan der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
Appointments | |
03/2003 | Offer to a Professorship, Saarland University (rejected) |
03/1992 | Offer to a Professorship, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (rejected) |
Koddebusch, Michael; Halsbenning, Sebastian; Becker, Jörg (2025) In: Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 2024(19) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Becker, Jörg; Kruse, Paul; Hermann, Andreas (2024) In: Strecker, Stefan; Jung, Jürgen (eds.), Informing Possible Future Worlds. Essays in Honour of Ulrich Frank. Berlin: Logos Verlag. Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Koddebusch, Michael; He, Jingxian; Hinrichs, Jonas Alfred; Becker, Jörg (2024) In: Bui, Tung X. (eds.), Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Honolulu, HI: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | |
Koddebusch, Michael; Distel, Bettina; Di Maria, Marco; Brützke, Paul; Becker, Jörg (2024) In: Rohde Johannessen, Marius; Csáki, Csaba; Daneels, Lieselot; Hofmann, Sara; Lampoltshammer, Thomas; Parycek, Peter; Schwabe, Gerhard; Tambouris, Efthimios; Ubacht, Jolien (eds.), Electronic Participation: 16th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart 2024, Ghent, Belgium, September 3–5, 2024, Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | |
Koddebusch, Michael; Brützke, Paul; Becker, Jörg (2024) In: Wimmer, Maria; Räckers, Michael; Hünemohr, Holger (eds.), 7. Fachtagung Rechts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (RVI 2024) Neue Wege der Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung für digitale Transformation und Verwaltungsmodernisierung, 25.–26. September…. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik. Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference) |
Duration: 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2029 Funded by: Sparkassenverband Westfalen-Lippe, Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG, LBS Landesbausparkasse Nordwest, S Rating und Risikosysteme GmbH, Deutscher Sparkassen Verlag GmbH, Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband e.V. Type of project: Individual project | |
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/03/2025 Funded by: Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e.V. Type of project: Individual project | |
Duration: 01/06/2023 - 31/05/2025 Funded by: EC - European Health and Digital Executive Agency Type of project: EU-project hosted outside University of Münster | |
Duration: 01/03/2023 - 28/02/2025 Funded by: EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+ Type of project: EU-project hosted outside University of Münster | |
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2026 | 1st Funding period Funded by: DFG - Research Unit Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster |
Future Potential of European Public Procurement Becker, Jörg (25/09/2019) Presentation prepared for Policy Department A on request of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Benefits of Modernized European Public Procurement Becker, Jörg (10/07/2018) Presentation prepared for Policy Department A on request of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Systems and E-Procurement – Improving Access and Transparency of Public Procurement Becker, Jörg (19/02/2018) Presentation prepared for Policy Department A on request of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium Type of talk: scientific talk |
Outstanding Reviewer Award Awarded by: 14. International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik Award given to: Becker, Jörg Announced at: 27/02/2019 | Date of awarding: 27/02/2019 Type of distinction: Best reviewer award (conference or journal) | |
Transfer Award of the University of Münster 2017/2018 Awarded by: Rectorate of the University of Münster Award given to: Becker, Joerg Announced at: 12/03/2018 | Date of awarding: 15/06/2018 Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction | |
ER Best Demo Award 2017 Awarded by: 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2017) Award given to: Riehle, Dennis M; Höhenberger, Steffen; Brunk, Jens; Delfmann, Patrick; Becker, Jörg Announced at: 08/11/2017 | Date of awarding: 15/11/2017 Type of distinction: Best publication award | |
Best Prototype Award Awarded by: 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, St. Gallen, Switzerland (WI2017) Award given to: Betzing, Jan H.; von Hoffen, Moritz; Plenter, Florian; Chasin, Friedrich; Matzner, Martin; Becker, Jörg Announced at: 14/02/2017 | Date of awarding: 15/02/2017 Type of distinction: Best publication award | |
Best Reviewer Award Awarded by: Business Research Journal Award given to: Becker, Jörg Announced at: 19/05/2015 | Date of awarding: 15/05/2016 Type of distinction: Best reviewer award (conference or journal) |
[Working title] User's Trust and Perceived Risk in the Design of Human-Centered Information Systems (working title) Candidate: Koelmann, Holger | Supervisors: Becker, Jörg Period of time: 01/08/2017 - 31/12/2023 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Digital Technology-enabled Business Model Innovation – A Toolkit for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Candidate: Gollhardt, Torsten | Supervisors: Becker, Jörg | Reviewers: Becker, Jörg; von Delft, Stephan Period of time: 01/04/2018 - 04/07/2022 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Vertrauen in daten- und algorithmenbasierte strategische Kommunikation Candidate: Löffler, Natascha | Supervisors: Röttger, Ulrike; Becker, Jörg | Reviewers: Röttger, Ulrike; Becker, Jörg Period of time: 01/10/2018 - 05/04/2022 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Handelsinformationssysteme im technischen Großhandel - Ein konfigurierbares Referenzprozessmodell mit Kriterien zur Auswahl von ERP-Systemen Candidate: Hartmann, Max Patrick | Supervisors: Becker, Jörg Period of time: 01/11/2017 - 17/03/2022 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Autonomous Driving – Studies Extending Technology Acceptance Research Candidate: Grotenhermen, Jan-Gerrit | Supervisors: Schewe, Gerhard; Becker, Jörg; Artz, Martin Period of time: until 16/11/2021 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |