"Dealing with Diversity -- Optimizing (Language) Learning in EFL settings"
Basic data for this talk
Type of talk: practical talk
Name der Vortragenden: Campbell, Stewart Evan
Date of talk: 24/08/2022
Talk language: English
Information about the event
Name of the event: QualiTIES - Qualifying Teachers for Innovative English Settings
Event period: 24/08/2022
Event location: Bezierksregierung Münster
Organised by: Bezierksregierung Münster
This presentation was given in the role of an invited expert speaker for the further education program for in-service English as a foreign language teachers at the secondary level provided by "QualiTIES - Qualifying Teachers for Innovative English Settings," which was organized and implemented by Janine Bruns and Petry Heiny.
Keywords: Diversity-supportive EFL methodology, Universal Design for Learning, Differentiation and individualization, Task-based language Learning (TBLL)
Speakers from the University of Münster