‘Performing gaps’ – exploring the limits of cooperation. In Session: BEYOND THE PUBLIC/CIVIC DIVIDE? HOW PCPS TRANSFORM URBAN ACTORS II
Basic data for this talk
Type of talk: scientific talk
Name der Vortragenden: Kettner, Le-Lina
Date of talk: 06/10/2022
Talk language: English
Information about the event
Name of the event: RN37 V Midterm Conference “Seeing Like a City/Seeing the City Through”
Event period: 05/10/2022 - 07/10/2022
Event location: Humboldt University Berlin
Organised by: European Sociological Association Research Network
Urban politics and planning are increasingly challenged by the transformation of urban societies. In their search for alternative approaches and social innovations, urban administrations and policymaker start to collaborate with social movements and grassroot actors that are becoming visible to them as niches or utopias. Such forms of partnership are generally considered fruitful and productive as they represent best-practices of the neoliberal paradigm of urban governance. In this talk, I shed light on the contested agency attributed to governance processes. Drawing on empirical insights I approach the relationship between mainstream modes and alternative understandings of society from a critical perspective: Applying Judith Butler’s concept of performativity, I can show that the collaboration between urban planning and grassroots is often situated around 'performing gaps'. Grassroot initiatives achieve visibility as long as they act within the hegemonic structure and reproduce similar categories, symbols and meanings that – altogether – fit within the hegemonic growth paradigm, which dominates planning and urban politics. But their profound critique of systemic transformation remains rather unheard or unseen. Due to the ‘performing gap’ alternative initiatives have to reproduce their own marginality in order to reach agency in contexts of cooperation. These findings lead to critical questions about social change in the end.
Keywords: Soziale Bewegungen; Performativität; Grassroots; Planning; Governcance; Transformation
Speakers from the University of Münster
Kettner, Le-Lina | Professorship for local, regional and land development/area planning (Prof. Mössner) |