Eine ‚ständige’ Sammlung? – Die Frage nach der Restitution im aktuellen kulturpolitischen Konfliktdiskurs

Basic data for this talk

Type of talkscientific talk
Name der VortragendenSaal, Jolanda
Date of talk10/02/2023
Talk languageGerman

Information about the event

Name of the eventDecolonizing Art History. Revisionen etablierter Machtstrukturen
Event period09/02/2023 - 10/02/2023
Event locationUniversität Münster
Event websitehttps://www.uni-muenster.de/Kunstgeschichte/Master-Workshop/index.html
Organised byInstitut für Kunstgeschichte


How ‘permanent’ can the collections of German museums actually be? Experts are increasingly questioning the justifiability of the Western art canon, the interpretative sovereignty of a museum and its collection and exhibition policy. Within the increasing debate about colonial cultural assets, restitution in particular represents a threshold in the process of decolonising a museum, which is often not crossed for a variety of reasons.
KeywordsRestitution; Dekolonisierung; Museen

Speakers from the University of Münster

Saal, Jolanda
Professorship for history of art with focus on modernity