The New Testament and Politics in Ghana: A Postcolonial Analysis of Receptions of Matthew in Ghanaian Politics (2017 – 2023)

Basic data for this talk

Type of talkscientific talk
Name der VortragendenWandusim, Michael F.
Date of talk01/08/2024
Talk languageEnglish

Information about the event

Name of the event2024 SBL International Meeting
Event period28/07/2024 - 01/08/2024
Event locationAmsterdam
Organised bySociety of Biblical Literature


KeywordsNew Testament and Politics; West Africa; Ghana; New Testament; Matthew; the Gospel of Matthew; Ofori-Atta; Matt. 14:13-21; postcolonial

Speakers from the University of Münster

Wandusim, Michael F.
Center for Religion and Modernity (CRM)