Performing the Occasion: The Chronograms of Māmayya ar-Rūmī (930–985 or 987/1534–1577 or 1579)

Masarwa Alev

Research article (book contribution) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

PublisherConermann Stephan, Sen Gül
Book titleThe Mamluk-Ottoman Transition: Continuity and Change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the Sixteenth Century
Publishing companyVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Place of publicationGöttingen
Release year2016
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Keywordsarabische Dichtung; Architektur; osmanenzeitliches Syrien; Chronogramme

Authors from the University of Münster

Masarwa, Alev
Professur für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft (Prof. Bauer)