Enterprise-Related Crisis Communication on Twitter

Stieglitz S, Bruns A, Krüger N

Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | Peer reviewed


The rise of social media as communication channels has enabled customers to provide feedback or to ask for assistance quickly and easily. In the context of brand crises, the microblogging platform Twitter is highly relevant because of its ability to support information sharing. By investigating communication on Twitter, the authors examine Twitter activity patterns based on a dataset of some 240,000 tweets during two major brand crises affecting the Australian airline Qantas – the volcanic ash cloud caused by the eruption of Chilean volcano Puyehue in June 2011, and the global grounding of Qantas flights by management in the course of an industrial dispute in October/November 2011. Through this case study we find that characteristics of communication change significantly during different stages of the crisis. Further, we demonstrate that different kinds of crisis result in different communication patterns on Twitter.

Details about the publication

Statusaccepted / in press (not yet published)
Release year2015
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Conference12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Osnabrück, Deutschland, undefined
KeywordsSocial Media; Twitter; Qantas; Crisis

Authors from the University of Münster

Stieglitz, Stefan
Research Group Communication and Collaboration Management (KUK)