Il ‘De materia medica’ di Dioscoride nel Medioevo: mediazione araba e ricezione occidentale

Ventura I.

Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

PublisherSpeer A.
Book titleWissen über Grenzen : arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter
Page range317-339
Publishing companyDe Gruyter
Place of publicationBerlin, New York
Title of seriesMiscellanea mediaevalia
Volume of series33
Release year2006
Language in which the publication is writtenIcelandic
Conference34. Kölner Mediävistentagung (6–9 Sept. 2004), Köln, undefined
KeywordsAraber; Kultur; Rezeption; Europa; Geschichte 500-1500

Authors from the University of Münster

Ventura, Iolanda
Department of Medieval Latin and Neo‐Latin Philology