Integriertes Informationsmanagement an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster – das Projekt MIRO

Vogl R, Gildhorn A, Lorenz J, Wibberg M

Research article (book contribution)

Details about the publication

PublisherBode A, Borgeest R
Book titleInformationsmanagement an Hochschulen
Page range47-62
Publishing companySpringer VDI Verlag
Place of publicationBerlin, Heidelberg
Release year2010
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
Link to the full text

Authors from the University of Münster

Gildhorn, Antje
ULB Dezernat 4 Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheksdienste
Lorenz, Jörg
ULB Dezernat 2 Digitale Dienste
Vogl, Raimund
ZIV - Leitungsgruppe
Wibberg, Michael
Centre for Applied Information Technology (University Data Centre) (ZIV)