Natural or synthetic? Investigation of different phospholipids as coating material for LNPs.

Laabs, M.; Mulac, D.; Wünsch, A.; Langer, K.

Poster | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

Release year2024
Conference14th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Wien, Austria
Keywordsnanoparticles; drug delivery

Authors from the University of Münster

Laabs, Moritz
Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy (Prof. Langer)
Langer, Klaus
Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy (Prof. Langer)
Mulac, Dennis
Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy (Prof. Langer)
Wünsch, Angelika
Professorship of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy (Prof. Langer)