Tikkanen, Jenni; Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo; Järvinen, Tero; Alves, Natália;
Book (edited collection)This open access, edited volume makes a novel argument that educational achievement results from a complex process of constructing learning outcomes and entails manifold intersecting factors and actors. This challenges the dominant, yet ineffective understanding of learning outcomes as the observable products of the learning process within the individual which can be assessed with quantifiable criteria. The international contributors critically discuss the social factors influencing the construction of the quality of learning outcomes and the differences and gaps in these factors between groups of young people across Europe. In addition to suggesting a novel, multidimensional conception of learning outcomes to actively stimulate informed decision-making and establish the necessary basis for innovative and effective policy and research approaches, the volume also presents an original context-sensitive and holistic theoretical-methodological approach. The proposed approach enables analysis of how learning outcomes and achievement are constructed in complex processes which involve the interaction of a multitude of actors and factors influencing their quality. This volume paves the way forward for research and policy. Its central aim is to better identify and target educational challenges, on various governance levels and in varying spatial contexts, in order to increase equality and accessibility of educational opportunities for young people and promote their social inclusion. The volume draws on a European, multi-disciplinary, mixed-methods research project Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe: A multi-level analysis of (under)achievement in the life course (CLEAR), funded by the European Commission between 2022–2025 and carried out by thirteen partner institutions in eight EU countries.
Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo | Professorship für international and comparative educational sciences (Prof. Parreira do Amaral) |