Ammonoids and conodonts from the Devonian and Triassic of Myanmar (Devon, Trias Myanmar)

Basic data for this project

Type of projectIndividual project
Duration at the University of Münster18/05/2010 - 30/06/2010


KeywordsProf. Aye-Ko Aung; Myanmar; ammonoids; conodonts; stratigraphy; Smithian; Spathian; Upper Devonian
Funder / funding scheme
  • Sonstige Mittelgeber

Project management at the University of Münster

Becker, Ralph Thomas
Professur für Paläontologie (Prof. Becker)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Becker, Ralph Thomas
Professur für Paläontologie (Prof. Becker)