DRiving InnoVation in crisis management for European Resilience (DRIVER)

Basic data for this project

Type of projectEU-project hosted outside University of Münster
Duration at the University of Münster01/05/2014 - 30/06/2020


DRIVER starts from the experience that neither successful R&D nor strong end-user demand always lead to innovation in the Crisis Management (CM) domain. This is a problem since as societies become more complex, increasing scope and unpredictability of potential crises and faster dynamics of major incidents put increasingly stringent demands on CM. European CM capabilities already constitute a mature System of Systems; hence wholesale redesign would often be too costly and might critically destabilise existing CM capabilities. Therefore DRIVER focuses on augmenting rather than replacing existing capabilities and will aim at producing a comprehensive, well-balanced and cost-effective Portfolio of CM tools exploiting high potential RTD work from the last decade, not least in FP7 and FP6 projects. This portfolio will address not only needs of professional responders but also of society at large. DRIVER will carry out experimentation campaigns in three strands: tools and methods for responders, resilience of civil society and learning by both. The intra-strand experimentation leads into two Joint Experiment campaigns and a Final Demo focusing on challenges requiring highly complex interaction between CM tools. To evaluate and benchmark these CM tools, a strong evidence base for tool selection is crucial; to this end DRIVER will build a distributed European CM Test-bed, itself a major innovation. To maximise impact beyond the scope of the project and of the DRIVER consortium it is necessary to develop the sustainability of the European Test-bed, the exploitation of the DRIVER Portfolio of Tools and to make emerge a European CM community, which shares a common CM understanding and is increasingly willing to share capabilities and collaborate in CM innovation. These three objectives need and feed each other, thus developing Europe’s ability to continue adapting its CM capabilities to emerging needs long after the project end.

KeywordsCrisis management; Crisis management tools; experimentation campaigns; crisis demonstrations; Humanitarian Logistics
Website of the projecthttp://www.driver-project.eu/
Funding identifier607798
Funder / funding scheme
  • EC FP 7 - Large-scale integrating project

Project management at the University of Münster

Hellingrath, Bernd
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Hellingrath, Bernd
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)

Research associates from the University of Münster

Middelhoff, Michael
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)
Rupp, Nicola (Nicky)
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)
Widera, Adam
Chair of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (Logistik)

Project partners outside the University of Münster

  • Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)Sweden
  • Magen David Adom in Israel (MDA)Israel
  • Pole Euromediterraneen Sur Les Risques France
  • Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IICT - BAS)Bulgaria
  • ITTI Sp. z o.o. (ITTI)Poland
  • HKV - Lijn in water B.V. (HKV)Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
  • Austrian Red Cross ResearchAustria
  • Atos SE Spain (ATOS)Spain
  • Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
  • Frequentis AGAustria
  • Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)Norway
  • Q4 Public RelationsIreland
  • Ecorys Nederland B.V.Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
  • British Red Cross Society Royal CharterUnited Kingdom
  • European Organisation for Security S.C.R.L. (EOS)Belgium
  • ARTTICFrance
  • Municipal of Den HaagNetherlands (Kingdom of the)
  • GMV – Aerospace and Defence S.A. Unipersonal (GMV)Spain
  • Centro de Innovación para la Logística y el Transporte de Mercancías por Carretera (CITET)Spain
  • University of StuttgartGermany
  • Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCEurope)Belgium
  • European Union Satellite Centre (EUSC)Spain
  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)Germany
  • Centre for Irish and European Security (CIES)Ireland
  • Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI)Germany
  • Disaster Waste Recovery LBGUnited Kingdom
  • German Institute for Standardization (DIN)Germany
  • Thales Communications S.A. (TCF)France
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (FhG)Germany
  • Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI)Sweden
  • Danish Red CrossDenmark
  • E-Semble B.V.Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT)Austria
  • Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC)Belgium

Coordinating organisations outside the University of Münster

  • Atos SE Spain (ATOS)Spain