Humans act in space. Sometimes, interactions in space are explicit, as we point, reach or grasp the things around us. Other interactions are implicit, an awareness of where we are and what things surround us. In general, to interact effectively with the environment, it can be argued that humans might use complex motion strategies at ocular level (but possibly extended to other body parts, e.g. head and arms, so possibly using multimodal feedback), to extract information useful to build representations of the 3D space which are coherent and stable with respect to time. The goal of the project is thus to develop a perceptual agent capable of achieving a full 3D awareness for interaction control/planning in the peripersonal space. The sophistication of perceptual capabilities will ultimately be measured in terms of their value to the agent in executing its tasks. Two important intertwined questions will be raised, which actually define a next big step in the development of artificial perceptual agents (autonomous robotic agents): 1) How to design a robot vision system that, through intentional (i.e., voluntary) eye movements, is able to “see”, not only of being able “to look at” saliencies? 2) How can the effect of active eye movements and of arm reaching actions be expressed as joint visuo-motor features, patterns and relationships for a perceptual awareness of space? The project addresses these problems at different levels, integrating the contributions coming from different disciplines (engineering, neuro-physiology, and psychology). Specifically the EYESHOTS project will address three Principal Objectives: 1) Development of a robotic system for interactive visual stereopsis. 2) Development of a model of a multisensory egocentric representation of the 3D space. 3) Development of a model of human-robot cooperative actions in a shared workspace.
Lappe, Markus | Professorship for General Psychology (Prof. Lappe) |
Lappe, Markus | Professorship for General Psychology (Prof. Lappe) |