Solid ion conductors with large ionic conductivities are irreplaceable in many applications such as batteries, solid oxide fuel cells, solar thermal generators, and oxygen sensors. A better fundamental understanding of ionic transport in the solid-state is expected to impact these related fields and help with next-generation energy technologies. Classical approaches for understanding ionic conduction in the solid state focus on crystallographic diffusion pathways and optimization of carrier concentration assuming a static lattice environment. Chemical intuition has helped to identify better ionic conductors using solids with more polarizable and softer lattices, suggesting a greater influence of a dynamic lattice on the ionic transport.The hypothesis of this proposal is based on the interactions between the lattice and the moving ion; that is, changes in the lattice dynamics will influence ionic motion. The effect of lattice polarizability, lattice softness and anharmonicity of lattice vibrations will be studied, measured and correlated to changes in the ionic conduction. This proposal seeks a better fundamental understanding of ionic conductivity in solids by combining the knowledge and toolset of the experienced applicant, gained in the field of thermoelectrics, with ionic conductors.
Zeier, Wolfgang | Professorship of Inorganic Solid State Chemistry (Prof. Zeier) |
Zeier, Wolfgang | Professorship of Inorganic Solid State Chemistry (Prof. Zeier) |