The Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics. Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation” has been investigating since 2007 the complex relationship between religion and politics across eras and cultures. The 140 researchers from 20 disciplines in the humanities and social sciences focus in the funding phase (2019 to 2025) on the “dynamics of tradition and innovation”. They analyze in transepochal studies ranging from antiquity to the present day the conditions and factors that make religion an engine of political and social change, with their focus being above all on the paradox that religions often develop their innovative potential precisely by drawing on their traditions. The researchers concentrate on the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and on their polytheistic precursors. The focus of interest is on Europe and the Mediterranean region, as well as on their entanglements with the Near East, Africa, North and Latin America. The research network is the largest of its kind in Germany; and, of the Clusters of Excellence, one of the oldest and the only one to deal with the issue of religion.
Jansen, Nils | Lehrstuhl für Römisches Recht (Prof. Jansen) (RG1) Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |
Seewald, Michael | Professorship of Dogmatic Theology and the History of Dogma (Prof. Seewald) |
Jansen, Nils | Lehrstuhl für Römisches Recht (Prof. Jansen) (RG1) |
Seewald, Michael | Professorship of Dogmatic Theology and the History of Dogma (Prof. Seewald) |
Bauer, Thomas | Professur für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft (Prof. Bauer) |
Beutel, Albrecht | Professur für Kirchengeschichte insbesondere der Reformationszeit sowie neuere und neueste Kirchengeschichte (Prof. Beutel) |
Drews, Wolfram | Department of History |
Grundmann, Regina | Professorship for Jewish Studies (Prof. Grundmann) |
Gutmann, Thomas | Chair for Private Law, Philosophy of Law and Medical Law |
Hahn, Johannes | Institut für Epigraphik |
Jansen, Nils | Lehrstuhl für Römisches Recht (Prof. Jansen) (RG1) Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |
Khorchide, Mouhanad | Center for Islamic Theology (ZIT) |
Kogman-Appel, Katrin | Professorship for Jewish Studies (Prof. Kogman-Appel) |
Lohwasser, Angelika | Professur für Ägyptologie (Prof. Lohwasser) |
Ludwig, Ulrike | Professorship of modern and current history with special consideration of the early modern period (Prof. Ludwig) |
Michalowski, Ines | Team Prof. Michalowski |
Pollack, Detlef | Professorship of Sociology of Religion (Prof. Pollack) Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |
Quante, Michael | Professur für Philosophie mit dem Schwerpunkt Praktische Philosophie (Prof. Quante) |
Reuter, Astrid | Professorship of religious studies |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry | Professorship of Religious Studies and Inter-Faith Theology (Prof. Schmidt-Leukel) |
Schnocks, Johannes | Professorship of History of time and religion of the Old Testament (Prof. Schnocks) |
Schulz, Dorothea | Professorship for ethnology (Prof. Schulz) |
Seewald, Michael | Professorship of Dogmatic Theology and the History of Dogma (Prof. Seewald) |
Steckel, Sita | Professorship of history of the high and late middle ages (Prof. Steckel) |
Stollberg-Rilinger, Barbara | Professorship of modern and current history with special consideration of the early modern period (Prof. Stollberg-Rilinger) |
von Scheliha, Arnulf | Professorship for theological ethics (Prof. von Scheliha) |
Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina | Professur für Neuere deutsche Literaturgeschichte (Prof. Wagner-Egelhaaf) |
Willems, Ulrich | Professur für Politische Theorie mit dem Schwerpunkt Politik und Religion (Prof. Willems) |
Wittreck, Fabian | Chair of Public Law, Philosophy and Sociology of Law (Prof. Wittreck) |
Wolf, Hubert | Professur für Mittlere und Neuere Kirchengeschichte (Prof. Wolf) |
Grubel, Judith | Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |
Marciniak, Angela Lynne | Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |