Upper Carboniferous and Permian floras of northern and northwestern China

Basic data for this project

Type of projectOwn resources project
Duration at the University of Münstersince 01/01/2010


KeywordsUpper Carboniferous; Permian; floras; North and Northwest China; cuticles; palynolgy; palaeogeography;palaeoclimate

Project management at the University of Münster

Kerp, Johannes
Professur für Paläobotanik (Prof. Kerp)

Research associates from the University of Münster

Bomfleur, Benjamin
Professur für Paläobotanik (Prof. Kerp)

Project partners outside the University of Münster

  • University of PennsylvaniaUnited States
  • Yunnan UniversityChina
  • Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS)China