Profile picture of Dr. med. Fabian Martin Troschel

Dr. med. Fabian Martin Troschel

Current affiliations

  • Clinic for Radiotherapy

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Die RNA-bindenden Musashi-Proteine MSI-1 und MSI-2 als Marker für Radioresistenz und Stammzellphänotyp maligner Zellen

Academic Education

2011 - 2019Medizinstudium
2016 - 2017Forschungsaufenthalt MGH / Boston

Work Experience

since 2020Assistenzarzt Strahlentherapie
01/2023 - 12/2025IZKF SEED Projektleiter

Functions and Memberships

since 2021Deutsche Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie (DEGRO)


Troschel, Fabian M.; Troschel, Benjamin O.; Kloss, Maren; Troschel, Amelie S.; Pepper, Niklas B.; Wiewrodt, Rainer G.; Stummer, Walter; Wiewrodt, Dorothee; Eich, Hans Theodor (2023)
In: Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 40
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Haiduk, Tiffany S.; Sicking, Mark; Bruecksken, Kathrin A.; Espinoza-Sanchez, Nancy A.; Eder, Kai Moritz; Kemper, Bjoern; Eich, Hans Theodor; Goette, Martin; Greve, Burkhard; Troschel, Fabian M. (2023)
In: Archives of Medical Research, 54(6)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Scobioala, Sergiu; Parfitt, Ross; Matulat, Peter; Byrne, Julianne; Langer, Thorsten; Troschel, Fabian M.; Hesping, Amelie E.; Clemens, Eva; Kaatsch, Peter; Grabow, Desiree; Kaiser, Melanie; Spix, Claudia; Kremer, Leontien C.; Calaminus, Gabriele; Baust, Katja; Kuehni, Claudia E.; Weiss, Annette; Strebel, Sven; Kuonen, Rahel; Elsner, Susanne; Haupt, Riccardo; Garre, Maria-Luisa; Gruhn, Bernd; Kepak, Tomas; Kepakova, Katerina; Winther, Jeanette Falck; Kenborg, Line; Rechnitzer, Catherine; Hasle, Henrik; Kruseova, Jarmila; Luks, Ales; Lackner, Herwig; Bielack, Stefan; Beck, Joern-Dirk; Juergens, Heribert; van den Heuvel-Eibrink, Marry M.; Zolk, Oliver; Eich, Hans Theodor; Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Antoinette; PanCareLIFE Consortium (2023)
In: International Journal of Cancer, 154(2)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Sicking, Mark; Falke, Isabel; Loeblein, Maria T.; Eich, Hans Th.; Goette, Martin; Greve, Burkhard; Troschel, Fabian M. (2023)
In: Biomarker Research, 11(1)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Wischmann, Franz-Josef; Troschel, Fabian M.; Frankenberg, Maj; Kemper, Bjorn; Kumar, Archana Vijaya; Sicking, Mark; Ibrahim, Sherif Abdelaziz; Kiesel, Ludwig; Goette, Martin; Eich, Hans Theodor; Greve, Burkhard (2023)
In: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 149(11)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Dieter-Frankenberg-Nachwuchspreis 2024
Awarded by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biologische Strahlenforschung (DeGBS)
Award given to: Troschel, Fabian
Announced at: 11/09/2024 | Date of awarding: 11/09/2024
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Student Abstract Award
Awarded by: European Society of Radiology
Award given to: Troschel, Fabian
Announced at: 03/03/2019 | Date of awarding: 03/03/2019
Type of distinction: Best publication award
Awarded by: Maria-Möller-Stiftung
Award given to: Troschel, Fabian
Announced at: 01/01/2019 | Date of awarding: 01/01/2019
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Student Abstract Award
Awarded by: European Society of Radiology
Award given to: Troschel, Fabian
Announced at: 04/03/2018 | Date of awarding: 04/03/2018
Type of distinction: Best publication award
Best Abstract Award
Awarded by: American Thoracic Society
Award given to: Troschel, Fabian
Date of awarding: 15/05/2017
Type of distinction: Best publication award