Profile picture of  Johannes Ruhstorfer

Johannes Ruhstorfer, M. A.

Current affiliations

  • Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies
  • Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics"

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Literary debates (mufāḫara/munāẓara)
  • Arabic Literature of India
  • Fictionalitiy in premodern Arabic literature

Academic Education

07/2023 - 06/2026Promotion "Fiktionalität in der arabischen Literatur am Beispiel des Rangstreits zwischen Schreibrohr und Schwert"
2020 - 2023MA Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Münster
09/2022 - 04/2023Classes in Standard Arabic and Tunisian Arabic at the Institut Bourguiba des Langues Vivantes, El Manar Universität, Tunis
2016 - 2020BA Arabic and Islamic Studies, Philosophy at the University of Münster
2018 - 2019Erasmus Semester at the Faculty for Islamic Theology, Marmara University, Istanbul
03/2019 - 04/2019Language Courses at Ahlan World, Alexandria

Work Experience

05/2018 - 09/2022Student assistant ant the Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies
08/2021 - 10/2021Intern at the Linden-Museum Stuttgart, Department for Islam
03/2020 - 04/2020Intern at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (Arts and Crafts), Islamic Art Departement, Hamburg
09/2015 - 09/2016Social Volunteer at the museums of Worms (Nibelungenmuseum, Stadtuseum Worms, Heilsmuseum)


[Working title] Fictionality in Arabic Literature. The Example of the Literary Debate between Sword and Reed-Pen
Candidate: Ruhstorfer, Johannes Jakob | Supervisors: Von Hees, Syrinx
Period of time: 01/07/2023 - 30/06/2026
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster