Dr. Eva Bunk

Current affiliations

  • Clinic for Neurosurgery


Spille, D.C.; Bunk, E.C.; Thomas, C.; Özdemir, Z.; Wagner, A.; Akkurt, B.H.; Mannil, M.; Paulus, W.; Grauer, O.M.; Stummer, W.; Senner, V.; Brokinkel, B. (2023)
In: Cancers, 15(1)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Höing S, Rudhard Y, Reinhardt P, Glatza M, Stehling M, Wu G, Peiker C, Böcker A, Parga JA, Bunk E, Schwamborn JC, Slack M, Sterneckert J, Schöler HR (2012)
In: Cell stem cell, 11(5)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Stelzer S, Worlitzer MM, Bahnassawy L, Hemmer K, Rugani K, Werthschulte I, Schön AL, Brinkmann BF, Bunk EC, Palm T, Ebnet K, Schwamborn JC (2012)
In: Stem Cells and Development, 21(5)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Khazaei MR, Bunk EC, Hillje AL, Jahn HM, Riegler EM, Knoblich JA, Young P, Schwamborn JC (2011)
In: Journal of Neurochemistry, 117(1)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)


Research & Innovation Alumni Award
Awarded by: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Award given to: Bunk, Eva
Announced at: 15/04/2021 | Date of awarding: 15/04/2021
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Promotionspreis der Medizinischen Fakultät Münster
Awarded by: Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Münster
Award given to: Bunk, Eva Christine
Announced at: 15/11/2017 | Date of awarding: 15/11/2017
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction