Academic Education | |
since 1997 | Approbation as Pharmacist |
1991 - 1997 | Studies of Pharmacy, Universität Heidelberg, Germany |
Work Experience | |
since 09/2012 | Full professor (W2), Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institut für Pharmazeutische und Medizinische Chemie, Universität Münster, Germany |
since 07/2006 | Habilitation (“Pharmacology and Toxicology”), Universität Tübingen, Germany |
2007 - 2012 | Senior scientist (Akademische Rätin) and group leader, Institut für Pharmazie, Universität Tübingen |
04/2010 - 10/2010 | Temporary professorship, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institut für Pharmazie, Universität Halle, Germany |
2004 - 2007 | Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Institut für Pharmazie, Universität Tübingen, Germany |
2001 - 2004 | Postdoctoral research fellow, Institut für Pharmazie, Abt. Pharmakologie, Klinische Pharmazie und Toxikologie, Universität Tübingen, Germany |
1997 - 2001 | Dr. rer. nat. in the laboratory of G. Drews, Universität Tübingen, Germany |
Functions and Memberships | |
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG) | |
Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft (DPG) | |
since 2016 | Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG) |
since 2012 | Verband der Pharmazieprofessoren an Pharmazeutischen Hochschulen e.V. |
Appointments | |
2012 | Offer to a Professorship for Molekulare Pharmakolgie (W2) , Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (rejected) |
Noguera Hurtado, Héctor; Gresch, Anne; Düfer, Martina (2023) In: Biological Chemistry, 404(4) Type of Publication: Review article (journal) | |
Soret, Benjamin; Hense, Jurek; Lüdtke, Simon; Thale, Insa; Schwab, Albrecht; Düfer, Martina (2023) In: Biological Chemistry, 404(4) Type of Publication: Review article (journal) | |
Gresch A, Noguera Hurtado H, Wörmeyer L, De Luca V, Wiggers R, Seebohm G, Wünsch B, Düfer M (2021) In: Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 379 Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Guzmán, T, Düfer M, Wiedemann M, Olguín-Alor R, Soldevila G, Gurrola-Díaz C (2021) In: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 187 Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Hake A, Symma N, Esch S, Hensel A, Düfer M. (2021) (2021) In: Planta Medica, online ahead of print Type of Publication: Research article (journal) |
RTG 2515: Chemical Biology of Ion Channels (Chembion) Duration: 01/04/2024 - 30/09/2028 | 2nd Funding period Funded by: DFG - Research Training Group Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster | |
Duration: 01/06/2021 - 31/12/2025 Funded by: Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft e.V. Type of project: Individual project | |
Duration: 01/05/2020 - 31/03/2021 Funded by: REPHA GmbH Biologische Arzneimittel Type of project: Individual project | |
RTG 2515: Chemical Biology of Ion Channels (Chembion) Duration: 01/10/2019 - 31/03/2024 | 1st Funding period Funded by: DFG - Research Training Group Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster | |
Duration: 01/06/2018 - 31/12/2021 Funded by: Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft e.V. Type of project: Individual project |
Innovationspreis 2021 der Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie e. V. Awarded by: Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie e. V. (GPT) Award given to: Düfer, Martina; Hensel, Andreas; PharMSchool Announced at: 04/06/2021 | Date of awarding: 15/06/2021 Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction | |
ferdinand Bertram Award Awarded by: Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (DDG) Award given to: Düfer, Martina Date of awarding: 01/01/2011 Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction | |
Posterpreis, Sektion „Pharmakologie“ Awarded by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT) Award given to: Düfer, Martina Date of awarding: 01/01/1998 Type of distinction: Best publication award |
Antikörper-modifizierte Nanopartikel zum spezifischen Targeting von Tumoren. Candidate: Tran, Xenia | Supervisors: Langer, Prof. Dr. Klaus | Reviewers: Langer, Klaus; Düfer, Martina Period of time: 01/05/2021 - 31/12/2024 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Pflanzliche Extrakte und Naturstoffe mit Einfluss auf den Respirationstrakt Candidate: Hake, Alexander Maximilian | Supervisors: Düfer, Martina; Hensel, Andreas; Period of time: until 20/10/2021 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Zellspezifisches Targeting proteinbasierter Nanopartikel Candidate: Barth, Christina | Supervisors: Langer, Prof. Dr. Klaus Period of time: 01/08/2017 - 14/10/2021 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Untersuchung physiologischer und pathophysiologischer Einflüsse auf die Heterogenität und den oxidativen Status von Mitochondrien der pankreatischen beta-Zelle Candidate: Beckmann, Dirk | Supervisors: Düfer, Martina; Hempel, Georg; Esselen, Melanie Period of time: until 22/03/2021 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Untersuchungen zum Stellenwert von Ataxin-2 für die Regulation pankreatischer beta-Zellen Candidate: Mammes, Felizitas | Supervisors: Düfer, Martina; Lehr, Matthias; Esselen, Melanie Period of time: until 10/12/2020 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |