Dr.rer.nat. Daniel Kronenberg

Current affiliations

  • Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine (IMM)

Academic Education

10/2000 - 05/2006Studium der Biologie(Diplom) an der WWU Münster

Work Experience

since 2010wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für experimentale muskulo-skelettale Medizin an der WWU in Münster


Segelcke D, Linneman J, Pradier B, Kronenberg D, Stange R, Richter SH, Görlich D, Baldini N, Di Pompo G, Verri WA Jr., Avnet S, Pogatzki-Zahn EM (2023)
In: Cancers, 15(1565)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Ruopp, Matthias; Reiländer, Simon; Haas, Dorothee; Caruana, Ignazio; Kronenberg, Daniel; Schmehl, Wolfgang; Stange, Richard; Meinel, Lorenz (2023)
In: Journal of Controlled Release, 357
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Thierbach M, Müller M, Stange R, Kronenberg D, Aurich M, Wildemann B (2023)
In: Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(12)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Greiner J, Merten M, Niemann T, Grosse Venhaus M, Kronenberg D, Stange R, Wähnert D, Kaltschmidt C, Vordemvenne T, Kaltschmidt B (2022)
In: Cells, 11
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Wank I, Niedermair T, Kronenberg D, Stange R, Brochhausen C, Hess A, Grässel S. (2022)
In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(1)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Show all publications


Duration: 09/07/2014 - 30/04/2018
Funded by: DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Type of project: Individual project
Duration: 15/12/2010 - 31/10/2013
Type of project: Own resources project


Modulation of Transient Receptor Potential Channels TRPC3 and TRPC6 influences activity of osteoclasts and quality of bone
Birgit Mentrup, Melanie Timmen, Sebastian Klein, Daniel Kronenberg, Richard Stange (24/10/2019)
DKOU 2019 – Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
Lack of collagen binding Integrin α2β1 leads to faster fracture healing due to increased matrix generation, faster differentiation and increased remodelling
Kronenberg, Daniel (27/10/2016)
Cold Spring Harbor Conferences Asia: Bone and Cartilage: from Development to Human Diseases , Suzhou, China
Type of talk: scientific talk
Evaluation biomechanischer Eigenschaften: Sind porcine Beugesehnen und bovine Strecksehnen ein adäquater Ersatz für humane M. semitendinosus-Sehnen in in-vitro…
Wieskoetter Britta (Münster), Domnick C., Raschke M., Langer M., Schulze M., Kronenberg D., Herbort M. (01/01/2016)
DKOU Jahreskongress 2016, Berlin
Type of talk: scientific talk
Biomechanische Eigenschaften von Sehnen: Sind porcine Beugesehnen und bovine Extensorsehnen geeignete Ersatzstoffe für humane Sehnen in in-vitro Studien?
Domnick C. (Münster), Wieskoetter Britta, Schulze M., Kronenberg D., Wefelmeier M., Langer M., Raschke M., Herbort M. (01/01/2016)
AGA Jahreskongress 2016, Basel, Schweiz
Type of talk: scientific talk
Evaluation of biomechanical properties: Are porcine flexor tendons and bovine extensor tendons eligible surrogates for human tendons in in-vitro studies?
Domnick C., Wieskötter B., Raschke M., Langer M., Schulze M., Kronenberg D., Wefelmeier M., Herbort M. (01/01/2016)
DKG Jahreskongress 2016, Hamburg
Type of talk: scientific talk


Posterpreis der DKOU
Awarded by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Award given to: Everding Jens, Kronenberg Daniel, Timmen Melanie, Wendler Louisa, Eckes Beate, Hansen Uwe, Pap Thomas, Raschke Michael J., Stange Richard
Date of awarding: 15/10/2016
Type of distinction: Best publication award
Sporlastic Best Poster Award 2016, 2. Platz
Awarded by: 33. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie (AGA)
Award given to: Domnick C., Wieskoetter Britta, Schulze M., Kronenberg D., Wefelmeier M., Langer M., Raschke M., Herbort M.
Date of awarding: 15/09/2016
Type of distinction: Best publication award
Best Poster Award
Awarded by: International Society for Fracture Repair (ISFR)
Award given to: Timmen, Melanie; Hidding, Heriburg; Wieskötter, Britta; Kronenberg, Daniel; Stange, Richard
Announced at: 09/06/2016 | Date of awarding: 15/06/2016
Type of distinction: Best publication award