Britta Kusch-Arnhold

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.


Kusch-Arnhold Britta, Glowotz Daniel (2008)
In: Stollberg-Rilinger Barbara, Puhle Matthias, Götzmann Jutta, Althoff Gerd (eds.), Spektakel der Macht. Rituale im Alten Europa 800-1800. Darmstadt: wbg.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Poeschke J, Weigel Th, Kusch-Arnhold B (eds.) (2008)
Münster: Rhema Verlag.
Type of Publication: Book (edited collection)
Poeschke J, Weigel Th, Kusch-Arnhold B (eds.) (2006)
Münster: Rhema Verlag.
Type of Publication: Book (edited collection)
Poeschke J, Kusch-Arnhold B, Weigel Th (eds.) (2005)
Münster: Rhema Verlag.
Type of Publication: Book (edited collection)
Poeschke J, Weigel Th, Kusch B (eds.) (2002)
Münster: Rhema Verlag.
Type of Publication: Book (edited collection)
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Duration: 01/01/2000 - 31/12/2011 | 3rd Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre
Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster