Academic Education | |
10/2013 - 06/2019 | Doctoral Studies in Political Science, WWU Münster |
10/2007 - 04/2013 | Study of Political Science, Sinology und Sociology at the University of Muenster |
08/2006 - 08/2007 | Study of Modern Chinese at the Renmin University, Beijing, PR China |
10/2003 - 07/2006 | Study of Sinology, Sociology and Ethnology at the University of Muenster |
Work Experience | |
since 01/2014 | Research Fellow at the BMBF-funded project about participation and acceptance of the Transformation of the Energy System (KomMA-P) |
since 05/2013 | Research Fellow at the Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute of Political Science, University of Muenster |
08/2014 - 10/2014 | Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University, BMW Center for German and European Studies, Washington DC |
10/2009 - 04/2013 | Research Assiatant at the Chair of International Relations and Development, University of Muenster |
04/2010 - 08/2011 | Research Assistant, BMBF-Research Project TRANSPOSE - Transfer of Electricity Saving Policies |
04/2009 - 09/2009 | Teaching Assistant, „Introduction to International Relations“, University of Muenster |
Functions and Memberships | |
since 2013 | Member of the German Association of Political Research (DVPW) |
since 2013 | Member of the International Studies Association (ISA) |
since 2009 | Member of the German Association for Asian Studies (DGA) |
since 2009 | Member of the Young Researcher Group on Asian Studies |
Gumbert, Tobias; Fuchs, Doris (2024) In: Quante, Michael; Kahmen, Anna; Loos, Christian; von Groote-Gotzes, Barbara (eds.), Energieverantwortung. Berlin: Springer Nature. Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Gumbert Tobias (2022) In: Bornemann Basil, Knappe Henrike, Nanz Patrizia (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability. Abingdon/UK, New York: Routledge. Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Gumbert, Tobias (2022) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Type of Publication: Book (monograph) | |
Gumbert, Tobias; Bohn, Carolin; Fuchs, Doris; Lennartz, Benedikt; Müller, Christian J. (eds.) (2022) Baden-Baden: Nomos. Type of Publication: Book (edited collection) | |
Gumbert, Tobias (2022) In: Gumbert, Tobias; Bohn, Carolin; Fuchs, Doris; Lennartz, Benedikt; Müller Christian J. (eds.), Demokratie und Nachhaltigkeit. Aktuelle Perspektiven auf ein komplexes Spannungsverhältnis. Baden-Baden: Nomos. Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) |
Duration: 01/11/2023 - 31/10/2027 Funded by: EC - Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+ Type of project: EU-project hosted outside University of Münster | |
Duration: 01/07/2013 - 30/06/2016 Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Type of project: Participation in BMBF-joint project | |
Duration: 24/04/2008 - 31/08/2011 Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Type of project: Participation in BMBF-joint project |
Language, Meaning, and Interpretation: Researching Communications Within and About Socio-Ecological Transformations Gumbert, Tobias (20/09/2022) Humboldt-n-School - “Humboldt-n focuses: Climate change – risks and adaptations”, Bonn Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Weniger ist mehr? Konsum und das gute Leben Gumbert, Tobias (13/08/2022) Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Must Have. Geschichte. Gegenwart. Zukunft des Konsums.", LVR-Industriemuseum Tuchfabrik Müller Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Economic growth as a structural defect of democracy? On the challenges of restructuring growth-dependent social institutions in pursuit of wellbeing within… Gumbert, Tobias; Mamut, Pia; Fuchs, Doris (15/09/2021) 28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Online Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Marine Plastic Pollution and the Politics of Sight Gumbert, Tobias (10/06/2021) Re-opening the bin - Waste, economy, culture and society, Online conference Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Interaktiver Workshop: Grenzen des nachhaltigen Konsums Gumbert, Tobias (18/12/2020) Politik in Zeiten des Klimawandels - Steht die Demokratie einer nachhaltigeren Gesellschaft im Weg?, Online-Tagung Type of talk: scientific talk |
Best Political Science Master Thesis Award (1st place) Awarded by: Förderverein des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster Award given to: Gumbert, Tobias Date of awarding: 15/07/2014 Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction |
Unwrapping Responsibility in Global Environmental Governance - The Political Rationalities and Techniques of Governing Food Waste Reductions in the Anthropocene Candidate: Gumbert, Tobias | Supervisors: Prof'in Fuchs, Doris, PhD; Prof. Dr. Lederer, Markus (TU Darmstadt) Period of time: until 25/06/2019 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |