Profile picture of  Lars-Ole Wehden

Lars-Ole Wehden, M.A.

Current affiliations

  • Professorship for communication science with a focus on journalism research (Prof. Springer)
  • Institute Communication Studies

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Processes of news diffusion on Social Media
  • Digital public sphere
  • Quantitative content analysis
  • Virtual Reality

Academic Education

10/2010 - 09/2015Graduate studies Communication Science and Political Science at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Helsinki (M.A. Media and political Communication)

Work Experience

since 10/2016Research Associate in the group of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt at the Institute for Communication Research at the University of Münster (WWU)
10/2015 - 08/2016Research Associate in the group of Prof. Dr. Barbara Pfetsch on communication theory and media effects research at the Department of Communication Studies at the Free University of Berlin

Functions and Memberships

since 01/2018International Communication Association (ICA)


Wehden, Lars-Ole; Uth, Bernadette; von den Driesch, Lea; Engelke, Katherine M.; Springer, Nina (2025)
In: Journalism Practice, online first
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Wehden, Lars-Ole; Küpper, Lena Maria (2024)
In: Communication & Sport, 12(6)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Wehden, Lars-Ole (2024)
In: Mobile Media and Communication, 12(1)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Wehden, Lars-Ole (2023)
Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Type of Publication: Book (monograph)
Janzik, Robin; Wehden, Lars-Ole; Reer, Felix; Quandt, Thorsten (2023)
In: Biermann, Ralf; Fromme, Johannes; Kiefer, Florian (eds.), Computerspielforschung: Interdisziplinäre Einblicke in das digitale Spiel und seine kulturelle Bedeutung. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Type of Publication: Review article (book contribution)
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Exploring new means of source transparency: Footnote journalism's effects on credibility and news engagement
Wehden, Lars-Ole; Uth, Bernadette; von den Driesch, Lea; Engelke, Katherine M.; Springer, Nina (14/06/2025)
75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver
Type of talk: scientific talk
Transitioning to transparency: Footnote journalism as a novel journalistic practice
Wehden, Lars-Ole, Uth, Bernadette, von den Driesch, Lea, Engelke, Katherine M., Springer, Nina (25/09/2024)
10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana
Type of talk: scientific talk
A Laboratory Experiment Examining Audience Responses to a “Meaningful” Virtual Reality Documentary
Reer, Felix, Küpper, Lena, Wehden, Lars-Ole, & Quandt, Thorsten (22/06/2024)
74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast
Type of talk: scientific talk
Looking at the news from every angle: On the potential of implementing Virtual Reality technology in journalistic contexts
Küpper, Lena Maria, Wehden, Lars-Ole, Reer, Felix, & Quandt, Thorsten (22/06/2024)
74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Gold Coast
Type of talk: scientific talk
Uncovering the potentials of virtual reality technology in journalism: A laboratory experiment on an immersive 360° documentary
Küpper, Lena Maria; Reer, Felix; Wehden, Lars-Ole; Quandt, Thorsten (29/05/2023)
73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Toronto
Type of talk: scientific talk
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