Zeige 1 bis 9 von 9 Ergebnissen
African Agency in Mission Bible Translation in Colonial West Africa: Case Studies from the Gold Coast (Ghana) and German-Togoland Wandusim, Michael F. (10/10/2024) 3rd Conference of the Network of Intercultural Theology, Loccum Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The New Testament and Politics in Ghana: A Postcolonial Analysis of Receptions of Matthew in Ghanaian Politics (2017 – 2023) Wandusim, Michael F. (01/08/2024) 2024 SBL International Meeting, Amsterdam Type of talk: scientific talk | |
GloBil Project: An Overview and Initial Results Jensz, Felicity; Wandusim, Michael (02/07/2024) History, Reception, and Dissemination of Mother-Tongue Bibles in (Post)Colonial Ghana, KNUST Kumasi Type of talk: scientific talk | |
An Introduction to the Gospel of Luke from a West African Context: A Thematic Exploration Wandusim, Michael F. (17/05/2024) Oberseminar/(Post-)Doktorandenkolloquium (Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Becker/Dr. Christoph Hammann), Evang. Theologische Fakultät, Uni Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Das Herrengebet der Bergpredigt (Mt 6,9-13) in einem ghanaischen (christlichen) Kontext: Pfingstkirchen und ihre Schriftrezeption in Ghana Wandusim, Michael F. (07/12/2023) Seminar: Die Bergpredigt: The Sermon on the Mount, Theologische Fakultät, Uni Bern Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Das Vaterunser in einem ghanaischen christlichen Kontext: Pfingstkirchen und ihre Schriftrezeption in Ghana Wandusim, Michael F. (15/11/2023) Seminar "Interkulturelle Perspektiven sozialer Arbeit und Theologie" (Prof. Dr. Alexa Friederike Wilke, Professur für…, CVJM Hochschul Kassel Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Bible translation in 19th and 20th Century Colonial West Africa: A postcolonial analysis of the agency of indigenous translators Wandusim, Michael F. (04/10/2023) 2nd Conference of the Network Intercultural Theology, Würzburg Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Pentekostal-Charismatische Kirchen in Ghana und ihre Schriftsrezeption am Beispiel des Vaterunsers Wandusim, Michael F. (16/01/2023) Seminar “Grundtexte der Religionswissenschaft und der Interkulturellen Theologie”, Theologische Fakultät, Universität Rostock Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Bible and Its Interpreters: Assessing the Future of Biblical Interpretation from a West African Context Wandusim, Michael F. (10/07/2021) Panel 4: Possible Futures: What will Bible Do between Academy, Religious Communities, and Society? in “What Does…, Universität Bonn Type of talk: scientific talk |