Infrastructures and Practices for Reproducible Research in Geography, Geosciences, and GIScience
Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of time: 04/01/2016 - 14/02/2022
Status: completed
Candidate: Nüst, Daniel
Doctoral subject: Graduate School for Geoinformatics
Doctoral degree: Dr. rer. nat.
Awarded by: Department 14 - Geosciences
Supervisors: Pebesma, Edzer
Reproducibility of computational research, i.e., research based on code and data, poses enormous challenges to all branches of science. In this dissertation, technologies and practices are devel-oped to increase reproducibility and to connect it better with the process of scholarly communication with a particular focus on geography, geosciences, and GIScience. Based on containerisation, this body of work creates a platform that connects existing academic infrastructures with a newly established executable research compendium (ERC). It is shown how the ERC can improve transparency, understandability, reproducibility, and reusability of research outcomes, e.g., for peer review, by capturing all parts of a workflow for computational research. The core part of theERC platform is software that can automatically capture the computing environment, requiring authors only to create computational notebooks, which are digital documents that combine text and analysis code. The work further investigates how containerisation can be applied independent of ERCs to package complex workflows using the example of remote sensing, to support datascience in general, and to facilitate diverse use cases within the R language community. Based on these technical foundations, the work concludes that functioning practical solutions exist for making reproducibility possible through infrastructure and making reproducibility easy through user experience. Several downstream applications built on top of ERCs provide novel ways to discover and inspect the next generation of publications.
To understand why reproducible research has not been widely adopted and to contribute to the propagation of reproducible research practices, the dissertation continues to investigate the state of reproducibility in GIScience and develops and demonstrates workflows that can better integrate the execution of computational analyses into peer review procedures.
We make recommendations for how to (re)introduce reproducible research into peer reviewing and how to make practices to achieve the highest possible reproducibility normative, rewarding, and, ultimately, required in science. These recommendations are rest upon over 100 GIScience papers which were assessed as irreproducible, the experiences from over 30 successful reproductions of workflows across diverse scientific fields, and the lessons learned from implementing the ERC.
Besides continuing the development of the contributed concepts and infrastructure, the dissertation points out broader topics of future work, such as surveying practices for code execution during peer review of manuscripts, or reproduction and replication studies of the fundamental works in the considered scientific disciplines. The technical and social barriers to higher reproducibility are strongly intertwined with other transformations in academia, and, therefore, improving reproducibility meets similar challenges around culture change and sustainability. However, we clearly show that reproducible research is achievable today using the newly developed infrastructures and practices. The transferability of cross-disciplinary lessons facilitates the establishment of reproducible research practices and, more than other transformations, the movement towards greater reproducibility can draw from accessible and convincing arguments both for individual researchers as well as for their communities.
Promovend*in an der Universität Münster
Supervision at the University of Münster
Projects in which the doctoral examination procedure takes/took place
Duration: 01/03/2019 - 31/07/2021 | 2nd Funding period Funded by: DFG - Scientific Library Services and Information Systems Type of project: Individual project |
Duration: 01/11/2015 - 31/12/2018 | 1st Funding period Funded by: DFG - Scientific Library Services and Information Systems Type of project: Individual project |
Publications resulting from doctoral examination procedure
Nüst, Daniel (2022) Münster: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag. Type of Publication: Thesis (doctoral or post-doctoral) |
Nüst, Daniel (2021) Type of Publication: Other scientific publication |
Hauschke Christian; Nüst Daniel; Cordts Anette; Lilienthal Svantje (2021) Type of Publication: Other scientific publication |
Nüst Daniel, Eglen Stephen J. (2021) Type of Publication: Other scientific publication |
Ostermann FO, Nüst D, Granell C, Hofer B, Konkol M (2021) In: Janowicz K, Verstegen JA (eds.), 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2021) - Part II. Dagstuhl, Germany: Dagstuhl Publishing. Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference) |
Preisverleihungen erhalten für Promotion
GIScience 2021 Award for Best Paper Awarded by: GIScience Organising Committee Award given to: Ostermann, Frank; Nüst, Daniel; Granell, Carlos; Hofer, Barbara; Konkol, Markus Announced at: 30/09/2021 | Date of awarding: 01/01/2021 Type of distinction: Best publication award |