Stages of Inversion: Die verkehrte Welt in 19th-Century German Literature

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at another university (NOT University of Münster)
Period of time01/10/2011 - 01/10/2016
CandidateJohnstone, Japhet
University of graduationUniversity of Washington
Course of doctoral studiesGermanisitk
Doctoral degreeMA
SupervisorsWagner-Egelhaaf, Martina;Wennerscheid, Sophie; Kraß, Andreas

Supervision at the University of Münster

Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina
Professur für Neuere deutsche Literaturgeschichte (Prof. Wagner-Egelhaaf)
Wennerscheid, Sophie
Institute of Scandinavian Studies