[Working title] Kirchengeschichtsdidaktisch-museale Vermittlung von Kreuzigungsdarstellungen am Beispiel der Kreuzsammlung im Museum Abtei Liesborn

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of timesince 01/04/2023
Statusin progress
CandidatePüttmann, Yvonne
Doctoral subjectKatholische Theologie
Doctoral degreeDr. theol.
Awarded byDepartment 02 - Roman Catholic Theology
SupervisorsKöster, Norbert
ReviewersKöster, Norbert

Supervision at the University of Münster

Köster, Norbert
Professorship of Historical Theology and its Didactics (Prof. Köster)

Review at the University of Münster

Köster, Norbert
Professorship of Historical Theology and its Didactics (Prof. Köster)