Das sumerische Dimensionalkasussystem: Studien zu Semantik und Genese der sumerische Kasusaffixe vornehmlich nach den Quellen des 3. Jtsd. v. Chr.

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of time01/10/1988 - 09/06/2005
CandidateBalke, Thomas
Doctoral subjectAltorientalische Philologie
Doctoral degreeDr. phil.
Awarded byDepartment 09 - Philologies
SupervisorsNeumann, Hans

Promovend*in an der Universität Münster

Balke, Thomas
Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Middle Eastern Archaeology

Supervision at the University of Münster

Neumann, Hans
Professorship of Ancient Orienta Philology (Prof. Neumann)