Heiligtümer als politische Zentren. Untersuchungen zu den multidimensionalen Wirkungsgebieten von polisübergreifenden Heiligtümern im antiken Epirus.

Basic data of the doctoral examination procedure

Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Period of time01/01/1996 - 01/01/2001
CandidateMoustakis, Nikola
Doctoral degreeDr. phil.
Awarded byDepartment 08 - History/Philosophy
SupervisorsFunke, Peter

Promovend*in an der Universität Münster

Moustakis, Nikola
Centre for Eastern Mediterranean History and Culture (GKM)

Supervision at the University of Münster

Funke, Peter
Department of Ancient History and Institute of Epigraphics