Experiencing Third Spaces in between University and Society: Transdisciplinary Learning Experiences in a Shopping Center

Grunddaten zum Vortrag

Art des Vortragswissenschaftlicher Vortrag
Name der VortragendenPhilipp, Thorsten; Marej, Katarina
Datum des Vortrags20.06.2023

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Name der VeranstaltungInternational Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd)
Zeitraum der Veranstaltung19.06.2023 - 22.06.2023
Ort der VeranstaltungValencia
Webseite der Veranstaltunghttps://headconf.org/
Veranstaltet vonUniversitat Politècnica de València


What happens when a university leaves its campus and enter spaces that seem reserved for completely different functions and areas of life - such as shopping? What opportunities and potentials arise from such a shift for the dialog between science and society? Is this perhaps also a way for science communication to reach groups other than the education-oriented middle class? What skills do academics need to succeed in such a setting? These and similar questions formed the starting point of the Berlin project “Mall Anders - Open Learning Lab for Science and Society”. For seven months in 2021/22, the Berlin universities used a retail space in a shopping mall to test new ways of communicating science and co-producing knowledge in dialogues between the university, business, civil society, politics, and culture. The relocation of university life to a public shopping mall enabled broad public involvement in teaching and learning, high activating potential in overcoming the rifts between university and society and, more generally, new impulses for science communication, participatory research, and student-organized teaching.
Stichwörterscience communication; transdisciplinary learning; transdisciplinary research; knowledge transfer

Vortragende der Universität Münster

Marej, Katarina
Professur für Fachdidaktik der Sozialwissenschaften (Prof. Szukala) [beendet]
Professur für Fachdidaktik der Sozialwissenschaften (Prof. Szukala)