The Function of Documents in Islamic Court Procedure: A Multi-Dimensional Approach

Oberauer, Norbert

Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift) | Peer reviewed


The present study investigates the role of written documents in Islamic court procedure, and especially the evidential status of such documents. For this purpose, I analyze different kinds of sources that vary in their proximity to practice. In addition to furūʿ-literature, I draw on shurūt ̣ manuals, fatwas and court records from 16th-century Jerusalem. This approach allows for a multi-dimensional reconstruction of the legal discourse on written documents. I argue that this discourse operated on several levels, some of which are virtually invisible if these sources are studied in isolation. By contrast, a holistic perspective reveals a subtle interaction between these discursive levels that reduced the tension between legal doctrine and practical concerns.

Details zur Publikation

FachzeitschriftIslamic Law and Society
Jahrgang / Bandnr. / Volume28
Ausgabe / Heftnr. / Issue3
Stichwörtersijill; documentary evidence; qāḍī courts; Islamic law of procedure; ḥukm

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Oberauer, Norbert
Professur für Islamisches Recht (Prof. Oberauer)
Exzellenzcluster 2060 - Religion und Politik. Dynamiken von Tradition und Innovation