Parallelizing single-photon detection for ultra-fast quantum key distribution

Häußler, Matthias;Beutel, Fabian;Gehring, Helge;Stegmüller, Robin;Walter, Nicolai;Wolff, Martin A.;Hartmann, Wladick;Tillmann, Max;Wahl, Michael;Röhlicke, Tino;Bülter, Andreas;Wernicke, Doreen;Perlot, Nicolas;Rödiger, Jasper;Pernice, Wolfram H.P.;Schuck, Carsten

Poster | Peer reviewed


Quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols use photon states to transmit information, offering the potential for secure communication over vast distances. However, there's a challenge: even in low-loss optical fibers, the attenuation of optical signals over extended distances restricts the secret key rates to just a few kbit/s. To address this limitation, we've taken a novel approach. We've parallelized established quantum cryptography schemes across a greater number of channels. Our method employs arrays of individually addressable, low-noise, waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. These detectors are pivotal in enabling ultra-fast QKD. Some key features of our detectors include: They operate at a temperature of 3 K. They boast detection efficiencies of up to 50%. They have dark count rates that are below 100 Hz. They offer a timing accuracy of up to 100 ps. Additionally, their compact design is highly advantageous. It facilitates the integration of both passive and active nanophotonic devices on a single chip. This includes components like delay lines, wavelength filters, and phase modulators.

Details zur Publikation

KonferenzQcrypt 2020, virtuell, Online
StichwörterQuantum key distribution (QKD);Photon states;Secure communication;Low-loss optical fibers;Attenuation;Secret key rates;Quantum cryptography schemes;Waveguide-integrated;Superconducting nanowire;Single-photon detectors;Ultra-fast QKD;Detection efficiencies;Dark count rates;Timing accuracy;Nanophotonic devices;Delay lines;Wavelength filters;Phase modulators

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Beutel, Fabian
Professur für Experimentalphysik mit der Ausrichtung Physik responsiver Nanosysteme (Prof. Pernice)
Gehring, Helge
Professur für Experimentalphysik mit der Ausrichtung Physik responsiver Nanosysteme (Prof. Pernice)
Hartmann, Wladislaw
Professur für Experimentalphysik mit der Ausrichtung Physik responsiver Nanosysteme (Prof. Pernice)
Häußler, Matthias
Professur für Experimentelle Physik (Prof. Schuck)
Pernice, Wolfram
Professur für Experimentalphysik mit der Ausrichtung Physik responsiver Nanosysteme (Prof. Pernice)
Schuck, Carsten
Professur für Experimentelle Physik (Prof. Schuck)
Wolff, Martin Axel
Professur für Experimentalphysik mit der Ausrichtung Physik responsiver Nanosysteme (Prof. Pernice)