Sulfides and hollows formed on Mercury’s surface by reactions with reducing S-rich gases

Renggli, CJ; Klemme, S; Morlok, A; Berndt, J; Weber, I; Hiesinger, H; King, PL

Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift) | Peer reviewed


The surface of Mercury is enriched in sulfur, with up to 4 wt.% detected by the NASA MESSENGER mission, and has been challenging to understand in the context of other terrestrial planets. We posit, that magmatic S was mobilized as a gas phase in volcanic and impact processes near the surface, exposing silicates to a hot S-rich gas at reducing conditions and allowing conditions for rapid gas-solid reactions. Here we present novel experiments on the reaction of Mercury composition glasses with reduced S-rich gas, forming Ca- and Mg-sulfides. The reaction products provide porous and fragile materials that create previously enigmatic hollows on Mercury. Our model predicts that the gas-solid reaction forms Ca-Mg-Fe-Ti-sulfide assemblages with SiO2 and aluminosilicates, distinct from formation as magmatic minerals. The ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission to Mercury will allow this hypothesis to be tested.

Details zur Publikation

FachzeitschriftEarth and Planetary Science Letters
Jahrgang / Bandnr. / Volume593
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch
StichwörterMercury, Sulfur on Mercury, Sulfidation, Gas-Solid Reactions, Mercury Hollows

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Gerdes, Jasper
Professur für Petrologie (Prof. Klemme)
Hiesinger, Harald
Professur für Geologische Planetologie (Prof. Hiesinger)
Klemme, Stephan
Professur für Petrologie (Prof. Klemme)
Morlok, Andreas
Professur für Geologische Planetologie (Prof. Hiesinger)
Renggli, Christian Josef
Professur für Petrologie (Prof. Klemme)
Weber, Iris
Professur für Geologische Planetologie (Prof. Hiesinger)