Segnon Mawuli, Stapper Manuel
Sonstige wissenschaftliche VeröffentlichungThis paper introduces a new class of integer-valued long memory processesthat are adaptations of the well-known FIGARCH(p, d, q) process of Baillie (1996) andHYGARCH(p, d, q) process of Davidson (2004) to a count data setting. We derive thestatistical properties of the models and show that reasonable parameter estimates areeasily obtained via conditional maximum likelihood estimation. An empirical application with financial transaction data illustrates the practical importance of the models.
Segnon, Mawuli Kouami | Professur für Volkswirtschaftslehre, empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (Prof. Wilfling) |
Stapper, Manuel | Professur für VWL, Ökonometrie/Wirtschaftsstatistik (Prof. Trede) |