Kants Begriff der Vernunft - Seine Metaphorik und ihre Konsequenzen (Kant's Concept of Reason - Its Metaphors and their Consequences)

Marx, Esther

Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift) | Peer reviewed


Abstract: The task of this article is to explore whether Kant developed his insights into reason on the basis of a pre-conceptual paradigm and to explain the functions assumed in this paradigm by metaphorical devices. As far as methods are concerned, the author refers to Lichtenberg's ideas concerning paradigmatic cognition, but also to Blumenberg, who conceded important functions of orientation to pre-conceptual constructions of knowledge. Starting from the metaphor of a tree of knowledge, Kant develops a paradigm, which includes analogies with the natural sciences of the Modern era. Kant's reasoning also refers to the paradigm of the courtroom hearing. The author considers that both paradigms are essential to the foundation of Kant's concept of reason. (*Free access to the paper is possible by ULB Münster.)

Details zur Publikation

Jahrgang / Bandnr. / Volume110
Ausgabe / Heftnr. / Issue1
Veröffentlichungsjahr2019 (01.03.2019)
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istDeutsch
Link zum Volltexthttps://www.degruyter.com/view/j/kant.2019.110.issue-1/kant-2019-0003/kant-2019-0003.xml
StichwörterBlumenberg; Kant; Lichtenberg; Metaphern; Metaphorik; Metaphorologie; Stämme der Erkenntnis; Kant-Studien; Kantstudien; cognition; knowledge; metaphors; paradigm; reason; Sprachdenken; language thinking; Erkenntnistheorie; epistemology

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Marx, Esther
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft (IfE)
Institut für Slavistik