Perspectives in externalizations of mental spatial representations

Löwen Heinrich, Schwering Angela, Krukar Jakub, Winter Stephan

Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz) | Peer reviewed


Place is a core component of human spatial knowledge and therefore a central topic in GI Science. People use externalizations of mental spatial representations to communicate about space. Textual descriptions and graphical descriptions are the two main modes of communication. In this paper a distinction of three scales of spatial descriptions is assumed and textual and graphical descriptions are collected and analyzed in order to investigate the differences between the spatial descriptions.Thereby the focus lies on the properties and perspectives of the descriptions.It is found that within the textual descriptions people tend to not consistently use one perspective, but switch perspectives and predominantly apply the route perspective.For the graphical descriptions there has been no clear categorization of description perspectives. However, there are differences in the properties of these descriptions that indicate different perspectives.

Details zur Publikation

Herausgeber*innenBregt Arnold, Sarjakoski Tapani, van Lammeren Ron, Rip Frans
BuchtitelSocietal Geo-innovation: Selected papers of the 20th AGILE conference on Geographic Information Science
VerlagSpringer International Publishing
Titel der ReiheLecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (ISSN: 978-3-319-56759-4)
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch
Konferenz20th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Wageningen, Niederlande (Königreich der)
Link zum Volltext
StichwörterSpatial information extraction; Communication modes; Spatial description perspectives

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Krukar, Jakub
Professur für Geoinformatik (Prof. Schwering) (SIL)
Löwen, Heinrich
Professur für Geoinformatik (Prof. Schwering) (SIL)
Schwering, Angela
Professur für Geoinformatik (Prof. Schwering) (SIL)