Multimode interference filter for tuning of a mode-locked all-fiber erbium laser

Walbaum T., Fallnich C.

Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift) | Peer reviewed


We present a mode-locked all-fiber erbium laser that can be tuned in wavelength while in pulsed operation. A low-cost multimode interference bandpass filter based solely on standard fibers was employed in a sigma-shaped cavity design. By bending the fiber filter, the spectrum could be continuously shifted by up to 11.6 nm without interrupting pulsed operation, and output powers of more than 3.3 mW at pulse durations below 350 fs were achieved.

Details zur Publikation

FachzeitschriftOptics Letters
Jahrgang / Bandnr. / Volume36
Ausgabe / Heftnr. / Issue13
Veröffentlichungsjahr2011 (01.07.2011)
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Fallnich, Carsten
Professur für Angewandte Physik (Prof. Fallnich)
Walbaum, Till
Institut für Angewandte Physik