Origeniana Tertia Decima. Origen and Philosophy: A Complex Relation

Fürst, Alfons



Origen’s relation to philosophy is a highly debated topic, as evidenced by the discussions at the 13th Origeniana conference hosted by Münster University, Germany, in August 2022. The papers presented in this volume show divergent approaches to this relationship, revealing the nuanced and sometimes conflicting interpretations prevalent in contemporary scholarship. The different areas of research are grouped into four sections: Origen and philosophy: contexts and contours; Origen and philosophical traditions: Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Philo, and others; philosophy, exegesis, and spirituality in the writings of Origen; Origen’s philosophical ideas from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. The volume thus contributes to a reassessment of Origen’s complex relation to philosophy and his role in the history of philosophy.

Details zur Publikation

VerlagPeeters Publishers
Titel der ReiheBETL
Nr. in Reihe338
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istDeutsch
KonferenzOrigeniana Tertia Decima, Münster, Deutschland
StichwörterOrigen; Philosophy; Patristics; Church History; Early Christianity

Herausgeber*innen der Universität Münster

Fürst, Alfons
Professur für Alte Kirchengeschichte (Prof. Fürst)