Erfassung objektiver und wahrgenommener motorischer Leistungen (DAAD PPP Deutschland-Australien)

Grunddaten zu diesem Projekt

Art des ProjektesEigenmittelprojekt
Laufzeit an der Universität Münster01.01.2016 - 31.12.2017


Motor competence in children is associated with higher fitness, higher levels of physical activity, healthier weight status and cognitive outcomes. It is not only actual motor competence that is important to health, children with higher perceptions of physical competence are also more active. Yet children’s motor competence is lower than ideal and trends across time in different countries show decreasing levels. What is not clear is how best to develop actual and perceived motor competence in young children and what social and cognitive factors specifically help this development. The end aim of this partnership is to understand the cultural and social factors which impact positively on motor skill development. The current grant will serve to: 1) further develop partnerships between Germany and Australia, 2) develop, refine and test instruments to measure the constructs of interest (actual motor competence and physical self-perceptions) and 3) obtain valuable pilot data to inform a larger grant. The first step for our partnership is thus to produce and refine instruments that are acceptable and valid across countries. European countries typically assess motor competence in different ways to America and Australia. By working together on this project we will be able to produce instrumentation that is acceptable to both countries. Then we will be in a strong position to apply for further funding to investigate on a global level the key areas that will best develop children's competence.

StichwörterMotorische Diagnostik; Motorische Kompetenz; Selbstwahrnehmung; Selbstkonzept; Physische Aktivität

Projektleitung der Universität Münster

Tietjens, Maike
Professur für Sportpsychologie (Prof. Strauß)

Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiter*innen der Universität Münster

Dreiskämper, Dennis
Professur für Sportpsychologie (Prof. Strauß)
Utesch, Till Onno Friedrich
Professur für Sportpsychologie (Prof. Strauß)

Projektbeteiligte Organisationen außerhalb der Universität Münster

  • Universität StuttgartDeutschland
  • Deakin UniversityAustralien