The goal of the project is to: 1. Build an open-source turn-key research data management (RDM) platform based on Zenodo and Invenio v3. 2. Build a community of research institutions and private companies to grow and sustain the platform going forward. Our vision in the next five-years, is to make Invenio RDM a world-leading extensible research data management platform used by research institutions all around the world and with businesses providing services, support and customizations on top of Invenio RDM. We already have 7 cross-domain partners wanting to contribute. The key missing piece in realising the vision is a technical coordinator at CERN for one year that can bring the community together as well as coordinate and lead the development of the minimal viable product.
Berkemeier, Frank | ULB Dez 2 Abt. 2.2 Wissenschaftliche Informationssysteme |
Dinger, Patrick | ULB Dez 2 Abt. 2.3 Informationsdienste und Servicesupport |
Karsten-Welker, Adienne Alena | ULB Dez 2 Abt. 2.4 Datenmanagement und Publikationsdienste |
Klötgen, Stephanie | ULB Dezernat 2 Digitale Dienste |
Lorenz, Jörg | ULB Stabsreferat R1 Wissenschaft & Innovation |
Dütting, Michael | ULB Dez 2 Abt. 2.2 Wissenschaftliche Informationssysteme |
Greßhoff, Werner | ULB Dez 2 Abt. 2.2 Wissenschaftliche Informationssysteme |
Klöpper, Markus | ULB Dez 2 Abt. 2.2 Wissenschaftliche Informationssysteme |
Krägelin, Karl-Ulrich | ULB Dez 2 Abt. 2.2 Wissenschaftliche Informationssysteme |
Wiechers, Sarah | Arbeitsgruppe Bioinformatik (Prof. Bornberg-Bauer) |