Zeige 1 bis 6 von 6 Ergebnissen
Perspektiven, Praktiken, Projekte: Digitale Modelle in der Stadtplanung Kuppler, Anne; Förster, Nick (20/09/2023) Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2023, Frankfurt am Main Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Digital Data, Planning Knowledge and Decision-Making Kuppler, Anne (26/03/2023) AAG 2023, Denver Type of talk: scientific talk | |
PLANUNGSWISSEN IN ZEITEN DIGITALER DATEN. Entscheidungsprozesse in der Stadtentwicklung Kuppler, Anne (17/11/2022) Tagung „Räume Digitaler Zukünfte“, Halle Type of talk: scientific talk | |
PLANNING IN TWO SPHERES? ‘the digital’ and ‘the analog’ - mundane planning practices
Kuppler, Anne (26/02/2022) AAG 2022 (American Association of Geographers) , New York (Virtual) Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The agency of CAD software in planning Anne Kuppler (01/04/2021) Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK’s 2021, Department of Social Anthropology at the University of St Andrews Type of talk: scientific talk | |
'Modes of Ordering' zum Beitrag von CAD-Programmen in der Planung. Kuppler, Anne; Alperman, Hendrikje (30/01/2020) NKG XVII Bonn: Technocultures & Technoscapes, Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn Type of talk: scientific talk |