Zeige 1 bis 10 von 49 Ergebnissen
The Publicity of Commercial Money Derpmann, Simon (15/06/2023) Money as a Democratic Medium 2.0, Hamburg Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Marx's account of value and the critique of market society Derpmann, Simon (28/05/2023) Workshop on Political Economy, Rikkyo University, Tokyo Type of talk: scientific talk | |
John St. Mill und die Probleme einer Wissenschaft der politischen Ökonomie Simon Derpmann (25/04/2023) Ringvorlesung Geschichte der Philosophie der Moderne, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Ausbeutung in der Eigentumsdemokratie und im liberalen Sozialismus Derpmann, Simon (17/03/2023) Buchworkshop zu Hannes Kuch: „Wirtschaft, Demokratie und liberaler Sozialismus“, TU Dortmund Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Was ist Geld? Simon Derpmann (24/11/2022) PPE Talks, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Type of talk: scientific talk | |
On the Possibility and Permissibility of Changing One’s ’Race’. Simon Derpmann (07/10/2022) Philosophie und Rassismus, WWU Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Geld als Fiktion? Derpmann, Simon (29/06/2022) Geld – Eine symbolische Realität?, Wuppertal Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Money, objectification, and market culture in Simmel’s Philosophy of Money Simon Derpmann (21/06/2022) Philosophy and Money, Sioux Falls Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Ownership in Money and the Commodification of Money. Simon Derpmann (23/01/2020) Prospects of Money, Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The mysticism of the realm of commodities — Marx on the money form, commodification and fetshization Simon Derpmann (08/10/2019) Workshop, Rikkyo University, Tokyo Type of talk: scientific talk |