Person:Wolters, Carsten


Combined EEG/MEG/MRI analysis for improving presurgi- cal epilepsy diagnosis and new methods for forward and inverse problem in source analysis.
Wolters, Carsten (12/10/2016)
Seminar on Applied Mathematics, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Type of talk: scientific talk
Reconstructing and manipulating neuronal networks in the human brain
Wolters, Carsten (11/10/2016)
Seminar on Applied Mathematics , University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Type of talk: scientific talk
New methods for electrode optimization in high-definition transcranial current stimulation
Wolters, Carsten (07/09/2016)
6th In- ternational Conference on Transcranial Brain Stimulation , Göttingen, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
State of the Art Combined EEG/MEG Source Analysis for Successful Presurgical Epilepsy Diagnosis
Wolters, Carsten (14/07/2016)
Symposium ”MS84 – State of the Art Computational Methodologies for Mathematical Models of Human Brain…, Boston, USA
Type of talk: scientific talk
Combining EEG, MEG and MRI in presurgical epilepsy diagnosis
Wolters, Carsten (23/06/2016)
GRAMFC INSERM U1105, Amiens, France
Type of talk: scientific talk
A new strategy for connectivity analysis in multifocal epilep- tic network using combined EEG/MEG source analysis, multimodal MRI and thermoablation as…
Wolters, Charsten (16/03/2016)
60. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN2016), Düsseldorf
Type of talk: scientific talk
Konnektivitätsanalyse in multifokalem epileptischem Netzwerk mit kombinierter EEG/MEG Analyse und zoomed MRT zur Thermoablation
Wolters, Carsten (02/03/2016)
Quellenlokalisation und Netzwerkanalyse zur Therapieoptimierung 53. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für…, Jena, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
Forward and Inverse Problems in EEG/MEG
Wolters, C.H. (10/06/2015)
Brain Connectivity Workshop 2015, UC San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA
Type of talk: scientific talk
Mathematische Methoden in der Hirnforschung
Wolters, CH (28/01/2015)
Mathe für kleine Asse: Fachexkursion für die Projektgruppen Klasse 6-8, Institut für Biomagnetismus und Biosignalanalyse
Type of talk: scientific talk
Modern numerical mathematics for source analysis from combined EEG and MEG data with applications in presurgical epilepsy diagnosis
Wolters, CH (16/01/2015)
Informatik Kolloquium, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, , Kiel
Type of talk: scientific talk

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